The 2 key principles of Second Mind Medicine
The modern understanding of anatomy is radically incomplete. We must see, define, and model ourselves more completely. Solution: the 5 bodies model.
Consciousness, rather than matter, is fundamental. Matter, mind, and the bodies themselves are representations of differentiated consciousness.
Direct, personal implications
Healing is possible.
Each person is an expert. Their direct experience is invaluable.
The process of applying Second Mind Medicine
Begin with applying the 4 pillars. These facilitate natural healing processes and increase insight.
Spend time giving attention to your bodies. Note the differences between them, how they feel. Note which areas draw your interest. This is not a perfect process. It is a gradual learning process of valuing, making room for, feeling, and understanding the different ways we experience ourselves.
Note which body, which kind of experience captures your interest. Is it a memory? A sensation? A fear? Something that there are no right words for? Find a way to explore this through some activity, including possibly through some formal healing system.
As you continue, keep a few points of reference:
Yourself: Is your process tending toward more ease and less tension? (Of course, this may not always be the case as previously unaddressed factors surface.)
A good friend you can talk with about your experiences
Your healthcare professional
Cycle back through this process.
Second Mind Medicine is not a specific healing modality. It is an overall framework and approach to healing based on the 2 key principles mentioned above.
Broader implications
Healing is not a personal event, it is a systemic, social, political phenomenon. We are currents in a global sea of understanding, behavior, and structure, all of which impact our bodies. This systemic nature is evidenced in the 5 bodies model, in which the subtler bodies are increasingly non-local and shared, and in the 4 pillars of wellbeing.
Technology is not only devices that we create. Consciousness, choice, and behavior are also technologies, so advanced that we don't recognize them as such.
Second Mind Medicine disrupts healthcare because
it localizes power in each person and in society
it takes the position that healing is always possible
it opens the door to many healing systems and new healing modalities
it is grounded in a combination of philosophy, science, and direct experience